Solution of linear Volterra integro-differential equations of second kind using Shehu transform

H. Bozburun, H. A. Peker

Integro-differential equation is an equation where both differential and integral operators appeared together in the same equation. These equations have found extensive applications in applied sciences since it was established by Volterra. Integro-differential equations arise in many mathematical modelling of real life problems such as glass forming process, diffusion process, neutron diffusion problems, heat transfer problems, nanohydrodynamics, epidemiology, circuit analysis. A special class of these equations are the Volterra type which have been used to model heat and mass diffusion processes, biological species coexisting together with increasing and decreasing rate of growth, electromagnetic theory and ocean circulations, among others.

Tbilisi Mathematical Journal, Special Issue (8 - 2021), pp. 177-186